I would have said to him:
"the scripture is having fulfillment in you, which says: 'having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power, and from these turn away.' "
earlier this week i bumped into a couple of jws who i recognised from the cult cart.
a few months ago i had a long conversation with him one of them and found him to be quite friendly.
he is new to the area in the years since i left.. this time he was very defensive and said he wasn't allowed to talk to me.
I would have said to him:
"the scripture is having fulfillment in you, which says: 'having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power, and from these turn away.' "
i've mentioned it in a few threads, but i'd like to make it a thread of it's own.. i'm going to make the prediction the gb will schedule a new meeting once a month, starting in jan 2016, for watching the jw broadcasting program.
at the moment it's up to each cong to organize a viewing, but soon the gb will take over the arrangements.. i make this assumption based on the fact that they know that a substantial quantity of pubs are not tuning in every month.. by scheduling a meeting once a month, it's easier for the gb/elders/organisation to gauge how many people are watching, and to make sure everyone is fully indoctrinated with what the gb are saying.
it will also keep the rank and file busy busy busy.. if i was a cult leader, that's what i would do.
this planet is the most earth-like planet discovered to-date.
it's at the right distance from its sun to allow for liquid water and life, and it has a year of 385 days - only 20 days longer than our own year!.
This planet is the most earth-like planet discovered to-date. It's at the right distance from its sun to allow for liquid water and life, and it has a year of 385 days - only 20 days longer than our own year!
When dubs point to earth's distance from the sun as evidence of design, just ask them why Kepler-452b is the right distance from its star to be able to sustain life.
the scripture is matthew 6:2 "so when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others.".
the similarities are shocking!
here is a list of bullet points, highlighting the ways that the jw's match today.. as a jw your gifts to the needy (in the form of "a life saving work" of 70 hours) are announced from the stage with a microphone, and you are then honored by others, in the form of them applauding in the kingdom hall.. duplicates?.
all i want from this life is to be able to wash windows at bethel.. my story.. when i was fresh out of high school and pioneering, i said those exact words to my friends and family.
all i wanted to do was be at the core of the organization where it was the safest.
i gleefully told people that i'd gladly spend the rest of my life washing windows, waiting tables, doing laundry or cleaning bathrooms.
"Zeb, according to the JW's putting a flower on a casket is an ancient pagan custom to honor and worship the dead."
What! I never knew that. Those legalistic, self-righteous pharisees!
jws teach that only the anointed should partake of the emblems at the memorial because they are in the new covenant but the rest of jws are not.. well, if we follow that logic, shouldn't they also teach that only the anointed should pray in jesus' name?
they teach that jesus is the mediator between jehovah and the anointed only and that the "other sheep" are going to be beneficiaries of the new covenant but are not party to it.
the exact same reasoning applies to the memorial - the anointed are in the covenant but the "other sheep" are not.
Thanks for that Listener.
Now watch how easily that Insight article can be tweaked to argue that all JWs can partake of the emblems although they're not all in the New Covenant:
<<There are, thus, others not of the 144,000 “sealed” ones who alsopray to Jehovah God in the name of Christpartake of the emblems at the Lord's Evening Meal, putting faith in the merit of his ransom sacrifice. This sacrifice is not only for thosefor whom Jesus mediates the new covenantwith whom Jesus makes a covenant for a kingdom but also for all mankind expressing faith in Christ. (1Jo 2:2) These not in the new covenant also appreciate that “there is not another name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must get saved.” (Ac 4:12) They, too, look to Jesus Christ as theirgreat heavenly High Priest, through whom they can approach God and through whose ministrationransom sacrifice, by which they can get forgiveness of sin. (Heb 4:14-16) Revelation 21:22-24 points out that ‘the nations will walk in the light of New Jerusalem,’ where Jehovah God is the light and the Lamb Jesus Christ is the lamp.>>
The same argument about Jesus having different roles can be used to say that all should partake of the emblems - Jesus serves as a ransom for all and as the mediator of the new covenant. So the anointed partake of the emblems as members in the new covenant and as beneficiaries of christ's ransom sacrifice while the "other sheep" partake only as beneficiaries of the ransom. One faith two hopes. One set of emblems, two significances. See how easy that is?
jws teach that only the anointed should partake of the emblems at the memorial because they are in the new covenant but the rest of jws are not.. well, if we follow that logic, shouldn't they also teach that only the anointed should pray in jesus' name?
they teach that jesus is the mediator between jehovah and the anointed only and that the "other sheep" are going to be beneficiaries of the new covenant but are not party to it.
the exact same reasoning applies to the memorial - the anointed are in the covenant but the "other sheep" are not.
JWs teach that only the anointed should partake of the emblems at the memorial because they are in the new covenant but the rest of JWs are not.
Well, if we follow that logic, shouldn't they also teach that only the anointed should pray in Jesus' name?
They teach that Jesus is the mediator between Jehovah and the anointed only and that the "other sheep" are going to be beneficiaries of the new covenant but are not party to it. The exact same reasoning applies to the memorial - the anointed are in the covenant but the "other sheep" are not. Therefore what holds true for partaking of the emblems should also hold true for praying in Jesus name - and even more so for the latter, because praying in Jesus' name involves invoking his office of mediator but he is not the mediator for the "other sheep"!
So how is it the JWs don't see this glaring inconsistency? How did I not see this glaring inconsistency?
similar views as those presented here are gaining in popularity in christian circles.
I believe that the writer of Revelation intended Babylon the Great to refer to Jerusalem and the religious leaders of Judaism. This makes the most sense when Revelation is considered in the context of the rest of the NT. Consider the commonalities between the two:
1. Both the Jewish religious system and Babylon the great are said to be full of the blood of prophets, including the blood of Jesus' followers:
(Matthew 23:29-36) . . .“Woe to YOU, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because YOU build the graves of the prophets and decorate the memorial tombs of the righteous ones, . . .31 Therefore YOU are bearing witness against yourselves that YOU are sons of those who murdered the prophets. . . .34 For this reason, here I am sending forth to YOU prophets and wise men and public instructors. Some of them YOU will kill and impale, and some of them YOU will scourge in YOUR synagogues and persecute from city to city; 35 that there may come upon YOU all the righteous blood spilled on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zech·a·riʹah son of Bar·a·chiʹah, whom YOU murdered between the sanctuary and the altar. 36 Truly I say to YOU, All these things will come upon this generation.
(Revelation 17:6) . . .And I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the holy ones and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus. . .
(Revelation 18:24) . . .Yes, in her was found the blood of prophets and of holy ones and of all those who have been slaughtered on the earth.”
The book of Acts portrays the Jews in various places as being instrumental in stirring up persecution against Jesus' followers.
2. Judaism was international in scope, having both ethnic Jewish and foreign proselyte followers in many countries who speak many languages:
(Acts 2:5-11) . . .As it was, there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, reverent men, from every nation of those under heaven. 6 So, when this sound occurred, the multitude came together and were bewildered, because each one heard them speaking in his own language. 7 Indeed, they were astonished and began to wonder and say: “See here, all these who are speaking are Gal·i·leʹans, are they not? 8 And yet how is it we are hearing, each one of us, his own language in which we were born? 9 Parʹthi·ans and Medes and Eʹlam·ites, and the inhabitants of Mes·o·po·taʹmi·a, and Ju·deʹa and Cap·pa·doʹci·a, Ponʹtus and the [district of] Asia, 10 and Phrygʹi·a and Pam·phylʹi·a, Egypt and the parts of Libʹy·a, which is toward Cy·reʹne, and sojourners from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, 11 Creʹtans and Arabians, we hear them speaking in our tongues about the magnificent things of God.”
(Revelation 17:15) . . .And he says to me: “The waters that you saw, where the harlot is sitting, mean peoples and crowds and nations and tongues. . .when the huge hypocrisy of jw.org will be fully unveiled and governments or other authorities are decided to put an end to it, what will happen in the mind of the rank and file jws ?
are they going to have a very last spiritual hard-on, sticking to their guns of so-called "truths" and "new lights" ?.